Here are the elements that make Hire2Retain special
Competitive AdvantageJob Descriptions
Stand out in the crowd to attract the best candidates. We write your job description to create a “Marketing Piece” that speaks to your desired audience.
Candidate Recruiting
We promote your optimized job on the best career sites and market your job to candidates who are not actively looking. We bring you more quality candidates.
Search Engine Optimization
Get noticed by more candidates. We “search engine optimize” your marketing piece/job description. Rise up in front of the logjam of competing ads. Optimal placement yields better results.
Resume Screening
Bogged down? Save time and frustration. We review the resumes and do the initial screening to determine fit for you.
Develop Assessment Model
We help you determine which innate characteristics and aptitudes are critical to succeed in your specific job.
Assess Candidates
Reduce interviews. Improve retention. Only invest your time interviewing candidates who actually have the ability to do your job your specific job.
Customized Interview Questions
Get it right. We develop interview questions designed to help you go below the interview personality. Interview with more comfort and confidence. Obtain more accurate understanding of fit.
Hiring Practices Optimization
Are there changes in your interviewing and onboarding practices that would help you avoid losing the best candidates? We can help you hire and retain the ones you want.