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Four Incredibly Common Hiring Mistakes — and How to Prevent Them

Hiring right is one of the most important decisions a company can make. Hire the right person and you increase productivity and retention. Hire the wrong person and you increase turnover, decrease productivity and waste a lot of time and money. Here are some common hiring mistakes most companies make — and how you can…
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Six Common Mistakes When Choosing A Personality Assessment

Six Common Mistakes When Choosing A Personality Assessment by Brad Wolff Have you ever had a bad test experience when applying for a job?  If so, you’re in good company.  Fact: Many hiring tests are limited in their ability to assess the right candidate and often lead to poor hiring decisions and high turnover. This…
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Brad Wolff Explains The Mystery of Fit in the Hiring Process

Brad Wolff explains the mystery of fit in the hiring process. Almost 50% of new employee hires fail within the first 18 months.  Brad Wolff explains the mystery of finding a good fit in the hiring process and how JumpVine uses an objective approach to screen candidates.  Find out more by watching this video. 
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